House Plants

Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Light: All lighting except direct sunlight.

Water: Keep soil moist, but be sure to have drainage for the plant. It doesn’t like too much water.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: Overwatering is the bamboo palm killer. It hates soggy soil. If you have a history neglecting plants, the bamboo palm is definitely for you.

Money Tree

Light: Bright, indirect lights. Thrives in fluorescent lighting (perfect for apartment living).

Water: Water when the soil is almost completely dry at top.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: Wipe any accumulated dust off the leaves.

Polka Dot Plant

Light: Indirect sunlight is best, but direct sunlight during the day works if the plant doesn’t have much color yet.

Water: Well-drained and moist soil.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: They aren’t too difficult to grow, but they do have a shorter lifespan compared to most plants. Keeping this plant indoors actually prolongs its life.

Calathea beauty star (Calathea ornata)

Light: Medium light is preferred, so try near a window.

Water: Water it weekly, and allow soil to almost completely dry between waterings.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: Experiment around your house for the best spot for the plant, and if it’s leaves curl it’s thirsty!

Rattlesnake Plant (Calathea Lancifolia)

Light: This one needs plenty of diffused lighting. Direct sunlight will cause leaves to lose their color. The better the light, the better the foliage.

Water: Maintain damp soil at all times, and don’t let it sit in water.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: Search for the best lighting location for this plant to thrive. It might take a few tries.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis)

Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.

Water: It does well in dry conditions so water sparingly. It does not like excess water, so use a planter with a drainage hole.

Pet friendly: Yes.

Pro tip: Leaves turning brown? Cut them off to help the plant stay healthy. If you want to DIY aloe gel for your skin, just cut off a leaf and separate the gel from the stalk.


Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.

Water: It does well in dry conditions so water sparingly. It does not like excess water, so use a planter with a drainage hole.

Pet friendly: Certain species