
In terms of taxonomy, the defining characteristics of anemones are their 6-fold symmetry and a body comprised of calcite spicules. 6-fold symmetry means the coral has six tentacles or tentacles in multiples of six.

Anemones are responsible for drawing countless aquarists into the reef keeping hobby. When imagining a coral reef, often the mental image of an anemone and clownfish materializes. Anemones are one of the most recognizable organisms in our tanks even to laypersons. The motion of their tentacles are mesmerizing and several Pacific varieties make great hosts for clownfish.  In addition to clownfish, other critters such as porcelain crabs and sexy shrimp form symbiotic relationships with certain anemones. Tidal Gardens carries bubble tip anemones, carpet anemones, and rock flower anemones.

Unlike most corals in the reef aquarium hobby, anemones are capable of moving around the tank. This movement around the reef tank can be an issue if an anemone decides to trample a prized coral or make its way to an unprotected pump. In those situations it is best to try and relocate the pump or coral rather than the anemone for fear that the anemone's foot may be damaged in the process.

bubble tip

Bubble Tip Anemones of the Genus Entacmaea are a Pacific anemone that makes an excellent host for a number of clownfish species. Bubble tip anemones, sometimes referred to as bubble anemones, come in a variety of colors with some having multiple colors. These anemones are some of the most popular anemones for sale in the reef aquarium hobby. As their name might indicate, the defining characteristic of these anemones is their bubble tips. Interestingly, bubble tips on these beautiful creatures aren't always expressed. They come and go occasionally and the reasons behind this behavior are not well understood at this time. Bubble tip anemones are highly active and can move around the reef tank so it is important to guard overflows and pumps that may damage the wandering anemone. These anemones can be fed meaty foods every few days and enjoy fish like silversides in particular.


Carpet Anemones we have here come in two basic varieties, the large predatory carpet anemones, and the mini-maxi carpet anemones that do not get much larger than 4" in diameter. The large carpets host a variety of clownfish as well as some invertebrates such as porcelain crabs and sexy shrimp. Large carpets however are highly aggressive towards other tank inhabitants and have been known to grab and eat fish. The mini-maxi carpets are less aggressive and are unlikely to eat fish. Unfortunately mini-maxis do not host clownfish like their giant counterparts. Both of these varieties of carpet anemones enjoy eating fatty fish like silversides a couple of times per week.

rock FLower

Rock Flower Anemones are somewhat of a rarity in the reef-keeping hobby. They are found in the waters off the coast of the Florida Keys and throughout the reefs of the Caribbean. Rock Flower Anemones unfortunately do NOT host clownfish. Unlike some anemones that run around the tank causing trouble, Rock Flower Anemones tend to stay in one location and prefer a spot on the rocks or substrate. These anemones can be fed meaty foods every few days and enjoy fatty fish like silversides. Some of these anemones come in spectacular colors.


A sebae anemone has been known to eat smaller fish and invertebrates on occasion.  While the sebae anemone has been known to move, it typically won't unless there is something wrong with the water parameters.  For that reason, extreme care should be taken when keeping a sebae anemone in an aquarium with other anemones.

The sebae anemone can get to be a little over 30 inches across which is why I would suggest a tank size of no less than 40 gallons for these anemones (forty gallon breeder is a better minimum tank size). However, a larger tank would make it a lot easier for you to maintain stable water parameters, which is something the sebae anemone truly needs. As with all anemones, they need to be placed in a stable and matured aquarium.  I would only recommend then to hobbyists who are at least somewhat experienced

long tenticle

The Long Tentacle Anemone is also referred to as the Corkscrew Anemone, Sand Anemone, Red Base Anemone, and Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone. It has a similar appearance to Heteractis crispa, which has more tentacles and a tougher column. Its oral disc is usually visible and can grow up to 20" in diameter. Its tentacles are spaced further apart than other similar anemones. It is found in various forms and color patterns, but its base is usually orange to red. It is a host to clownfish, usually Amphiprion perideraion and A. clarki.

The Long Tentacle Anemone requires an aquarium with 4 inches of sand or rubble substrate in which it can hide.

The diet should include small pieces of fish or mussel, crustaceans, and frozen foods